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  • Climate Learning Initiative - Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals, United Kingdom

    Together with SmartCarbon Ltd, the Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (UK) created a bespoke SmartCarbon calculator platform for the health care sector and a five-step program for a net-zero supply chain. This will address the shortcomings of previous methods to calculate supply chain emissions and actively involve and support suppliers.
  • Climate Learning Initiative - Ascension, United States

    Ascension’s commitment to reducing its environmental footprint and achieving sustainability is rooted in their mission, which calls them to advocate for a compassionate and just society in their actions and words. A comprehensive inventory of carbon emission data in 2020 provided the insights needed to reach milestones in their Race to Zero. Reducing waste and natural gas through innovative strategies have contributed to carbon reduction goals while saving valuable MMBTUs.
  • Climate Learning Initiative - General Hospital of Syros, Greece

    Since 2020, Syros General Hospital has developed a series of sustainable projects and initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint. The hospital began with the development of a carbon management plan that helped them understand the sources of their emissions and the actions they needed to implement.
  • Climate Learning Initiative - George Regional Hospital, South Africa

    George Hospital is a public health facility and regional hospital but renders some tertiary services. This case study focuses on the processes and progress on procurement of environmentally responsible alternative products and consumables as implemented through various initiatives since 2019.

    George Regional Hospital incorporated an environmental focus as one of the institution’s six priorities in their mission and strategic priority for environmentally responsible health care. Since 2016, George Regional Hospital has been part of Global Green & Healthy Hospitals.
  • Climate Learning Initiative - Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital, Taiwan

    Our hospital prioritizes both patient care and environmental responsibility. Committed to Global Green and Healthy Hospital's 10 goals, we strive to minimize waste, enhance energy efficiency, and promote community health, ensuring a sustainable future for all.
  • Climate Learning Initiative - Providence, United States

    Providence has committed to robust climate mitigation and resiliency planning in equitable care delivery and community partnerships. This case study describes mitigation, adaptation, and advocacy strategies.
  • Climate Learning Initiative - Hospital Universitario Austral, Argentina

    The hospital blood collection process was completely restructured at medical laboratories. This included updating technology, which is more efficient in terms of energy consumption and blood volume needed. The process went from using one blood tube for each area to using only one for all lab areas. Besides improving the quality of patient service, this update resulted in 900 kg of biomedical waste avoided per year, which in turn avoids the release of more than 15,200 kg CO2e a year.
  • Climate Learning Initiative - Royal Darwin Hospital, Australia

    This volunteer-led initiative activated the community, health workforce, and climate researchers to implement low-cost biophilic native landscaping within constraints of legacy infrastructure and funding scarcity. The project promotes staff and patient well-being, adaptation to a warming climate, support for the unfolding Australian biodiversity crisis, and enhances Indigenous cultural safety.
  • Climate Learning Initiative - Hospital Santa Izabel, Brazil

    The Santa Casa de Misericordia da Bahia – Hospital Santa Izabel (HSI) has structured a management program for the efficiency of its power grid, including photovoltaic plant generation, renewable energy consumption, and actions for the efficiency and improvement of consumption habits.
  • Climate Learning Initiative - Hospital Jesus Zerbini, Brazil

    This study includes actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, such as eliminating the use of nitrous oxide as an anesthetic gas, reducing energy consumption with the actions implemented to achieve ISO 50001 certification, and replacing a computed tomography machine.
  • Climate Learning Initiative - San Rafael de Pasto Hospital, Colombia

    This case study highlights the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in hospital industrial processes through the substitution of fuels and the use of renewable energy for laundry drying; a process optimization measure targeted at reducing occupational risks and environmental impacts.
  • Climate Learning Initiative - Hospital Clínica Bíblica, Costa Rica

    Anesthetic gases represent 15% of the hospital's overall carbon footprint, thus the importance of reducing their use and finding alternatives to minimize the environmental footprint associated with the process. This case study comprises all of the hospital’s operating rooms, including those at headquarters and the Santa Ana branch.