Health care carbon management in the Mediterranean region

General Hospital of Syros, Greece

Case study summary

Since 2020, Syros General Hospital has developed a series of sustainable projects and initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint. The hospital began with the development of a carbon management plan that helped them understand the sources of their emissions and the actions they needed to implement. 


Demographic information

The General Hospital of Syros serves the Cyclades Islands in Greece. It has a capacity of 150 beds, with an average of 90 occupied beds. The hospital covers most medical and surgical specialties, serves 50,000 patients, and has >500 employees.


Healthcare carbon management in the Mediterranean region_Greece_hospital photo

The issue

Climate change has been described as the biggest global threat to health in the 21st century. The health care sector is a direct contributor to this problem and is estimated to account for 4.4% of net global GHG emissions (Health Care Without Harm, 2019).

The carbon footprint of the health care sector in Greece is 0.38 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) per person (Health Care Without Harm, 2019). Our hospital’s carbon footprint for 2019 was estimated at 2,087.96 tCO2e, 7.3% of which were scope 1 emissions, 31.7% scope 2, and 61% scope 3. The carbon footprint per occupied hospital bed was estimated at 23.20 tCO2e.

General Hospital of Syros carbon footprint

Hospital goals

  • Develop a carbon management plan
  • Become a leader in low-carbon health care in the region
  • Encourage change within other organizations locally and globally
  • Gain recognition for successful policies/measures implemented and targets achieved
  • Promote General Hospital of Syros’ successes in sustainable health care


Sustainability strategy implemented

In 2020, we joined Health Care Without Harm  Europe's low-carbon health care in the Mediterranean region project, which supported us in creating an action plan to reduce our GHG emissions.

A dedicated carbon management team (CMT) was created and commissioned to work alongside Health Care Without Harm Europe to develop our CMP. This CMP outlines our hospital’s strategy for reaching our emissions reduction targets.

Our CMP was based on data collected during the baselining and target-setting phase of the project. This involved working with consultants Factor CO2 to establish a robust carbon footprint baseline against which targets could be set and progress measured. We chose 2019 as a reference year, as we had enough data from that year to calculate our baseline.


Implementation process

The first step of the process was the selection of a CMT to direct the project and raise awareness amongst staff about the issue and need for change.

We then calculated our carbon footprint for the baseline year (2019) and established reduction targets. Our carbon footprint includes emissions from scopes 1, 2, and 3, as defined by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.

After we estimated our baseline, we set our emissions reduction targets for the CMP.

We have decided to align our emissions targets with the more ambitious 1.5℃ warming scenario set out in the Paris Agreement since a 1.5℃ scenario has been predicted to reduce negative impacts on ecosystems and human health compared to a 2℃ scenario. Our target is to reduce scopes 1 and 2 emissions by 16% by 2025 and 33% by 2030, and we also aim to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. The table below summarizes the emissions reductions that our hospital has committed to with the implementation of our CMP.

General Hospital of Syros table 1

Factor CO2 and Health Care Without Harm Europe developed a report to identify opportunities for emissions reductions, including cost-benefit analyses on the implementation of several of these initiatives. The implementation of a solar water heater was found to be the most cost-effective, with €301.68 benefit per ton of CO2e reduced.

Finally, all of this information was incorporated into our CMP following a template provided by Health Care Without Harm Europe, which maps out a strategy to achieve emissions reductions.