Report to World Health Organisation Regarding Management of Ebola-Contaminated Waste

Main Resource

Resource posted on March 9th, 2015

Published: 02/02/2024

1.38 MB PDF

Language: English


This technical report from Jorge Emmanuel, Chief Technical Expert from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP)/Global Environment Facility (GEF) Global Healthcare Waste Project, and Babacar Ndoye, working with UNDP, explains the situation on the ground in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea, as part of their mission to install autoclaves to provide safer and more sustainable healthcare waste management.

It not only provides a detailed account and photos of the equipment and procedures in place, but also notes on everything from wastewater treatment, locally made alcohol hand rubs and the susceptibility of Ebola virus to sunlight, but serves to remind us all of the bravery of the people who have fought the outbreak and the enormous efforts that will still be required to rebuild the healthcare systems even after the outbreak has slipped out of the headlines.