Health care’s role in Biden admin’s latest climate commitments

Contact:, Rob Gough, Climate Communications Manager, Health Care Without Harm

Health care’s role in Biden admin’s latest climate commitments

WASHINGTON (Nov 6, 2021) – Today’s commitment by the Biden administration through the COP26 Health Programme to decarbonize our health care system and ensure our facilities and communities are climate-resilient comes at a critical moment. 

As our nation endures climate-caused weather events, including wildfires, drought, flooding, hurricanes and extreme heat, our health care sector has a unique role to play in reducing the health impacts of climate change and building a more resilient health care system. 

The U.S. health sector is responsible for 8.5% of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions and 27% of the global health care emissions.

Statement from Gary Cohen, Health Care Without Harm founder: 

The Biden administration’s commitment represents a turning point in the global campaign to address the climate crisis. We hope it motivates other national governments to join this worldwide health care initiative. It also supports the growing number of health institutions globally taking action to align with the Paris Agreement and move toward zero emissions.

Addressing the climate crisis as a core driver of disease must be central to the health sectors’ mission today and in the future. As a fundamental sector in our society, and the only sector with healing as its mission, it makes sense for health care to lead the way to kick our addiction to fossil fuels, improve public health, and save billions of dollars in health costs in the process. 

About Health Care Without Harm
Health Care Without Harm seeks to transform health care worldwide so the sector reduces its environmental footprint and becomes a leader in the global movement for environmental health and justice.