Health Care Without Harm at COP26

Live stream links and more information added daily


November 3 | 6:15 pm – 7:15 pm (GMT)

Release of COVID-19 and Climate-Smart Health Care report

Health Care Without Harm co-authored World Bank report COVID-19 and Climate-Smart Health Care. Sonia Roschnik, co-author and International Climate Policy Director at Health Care Without Harm will be speaking on this panel.

COP26 Health Pavilion Event, live stream link 


November 4 | 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm (GMT)

UNFCCC and HCWH, Health Futures Lab: Climate-Smart Healthcare for a Healthier Planet

Organized by UNFCCC and  Healthcare Without Harm, together with the World Health Organization, Greener NHS, Médecins Sans Frontières, and the Public Health Foundation of India. Sonia Roschnik, International Climate Policy Director, Health Care Without Harm will moderate the event, Josh Karliner, International Director of Program and Strategy, Health Care Without Harm and Poornima Prabhakaran, Senior Research Scientist, Centre for Chronic Disease Control (India) will each moderate a panel. 

Blue zone, UNFCCC Action Room 1 in the Hydro | live stream link 


November 5 | 10:15 am  – 11:00 am (GMT)

NY Times Climate Hub I Future Proof: Health Systems for a Healthy Planet

Josh Karliner,  International Director of Program and Strategy, Health Care Without Harm one of the panelists, with Laxman Narasimhan-CEO, Reckitt,  Maria Neira, Director, Public Health, Environ­ment and Social Determin­ants of Health, World Health Organization-WHO, Jennifer Kuhl, Network and Engagement Lead and Member, Generation Climate Initiative-Global Climate and Health Alliance, James Harding, Co-Founder and Editor-Tortoise Media who will discuss what actions must be taken to tackle the climate and health crisis, low-carbon, climate-resilient health systems. 

The Forum, Glasgow location for NYT Climate Hub  | Virtual event 


November 5 | 11:15 am – 12:15 pm (GMT)

Health and Climate Network, Public Health Foundation of India and Health Care Without Harm, Climate-Smart Health Care: Delivering sustainable and climate-resilient health systems

This event will explore national challenges and solutions in delivering climate-smart health and showcase examples of where this is happening already. The event includes a discussion of policy solutions available to governments to drive health care provisions fit for the future. Health Care Without Harm partners, Poornima Prabhakaran (PHFI) and Rico Euripidou (groundWork) and Health Care Without Harm Latin America climate lead, Andrea Hurtado Epstein will be speakers.

WHO COP26 Health Pavilion, live stream link


November 6 I 9:00 am – 5:30 pm (GMT)

WHO Health & Climate Summit (Caledonian University)

Health Care Without Harm will participate in a plenary session on the COP26 Health Programme and  Shelly L. Schlenker, Executive Vice President, Chief Advocacy Officer, CommonSpirit Health, one of our Race to Zero partners will speak at a Spotlight plenary session on energy.

Glasgow Caledonian University, in person and live stream 


November 8 I 3:15 pm – 4:15 pm (GMT)

Healthy NDC in Latin America

Organized by Global Climate and Health Alliance and Latin American Climate and Health Network member organizations. Andrea Hurtado Epstein, Climate Program Coordinator for Latin America at Health Care Without Harm, will discuss how Health Care Without Harm works with governments in the region to integrate health in updated NDCs and other climate policy instruments, with a focus on Argentina, the first country in the world to include mitigation measures for the health sector in its NDC.

EuroClima+ Pavilion, Blue Zone, live stream link


November 8 I 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm (GMT)

Healthier Lives on a Healthier Planet: Linking Climate Change and Health Equity

Health Care Without Harm and Practice Greenhealth founder Gary Cohen will participate in this COP26 panel discussion “Healthier Lives on a Healthier Planet: Linking Climate Change and Health Equity,” organized by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The panel, moderated by John Balbus, interim director of HHS’ Office of Climate Change and Health Equity will provide an update on new activities related to climate change and health equity across the US government. The event will feature presentations on community health resilience, climate action co-benefits that can reduce health disparities, and health sector decarbonization and resilience. It will also feature updates on a new all-of-government approach to health resilience to extreme heat.

Live stream link 


November 9 | 10:00 am - 11:15 am (GMT)

Climate Action for Health I UK COP Presidency high-level event on the COP26 Health Programme

Health Care Without Harm in partnership with UK COP Presidency and the World Health Organization has secured multiple government commitments to low-carbon, climate-resilient health care that will be announced at the event. This session brings together leaders from the government, the health sector, and climate change to set out the health arguments for ambitious global action on climate change. It also highlights the trusted voices of health professionals and demonstrates the global health sector's ambitious commitments to building climate resilient and sustainable health systems.

UNFCCC Action Room 1, Zone B, Blue Zone |  Join virtually on the day, live stream