Filtro de búsqueda Búsqueda Tipo de contenido - Cualquiera -EventoNoticiaPágina básicaRecurso Área de prioridad - Cualquiera -AdaptaciónAguaAlimentosCambio climáticoCampañasCapacitaciónComprasComunicaciónContaminación del aireEdificiosEnergíaLiderazgoMitigaciónPlásticosPrensaProductos farmacéuticosRedesResiduosResilienciaSostenibilidadSustancias químicas Región - Cualquiera -América LatinaEEUU & CanadáEuropaGlobalSudeste asiático Mostrando 809 resultados Skip to filters India | April 11 - Webinar for health partners on COVID-19: Pathway to recovery This workshop will bring together experts and institutions from the health sector, most of them on… Global U.S. | Health Care Without Harm disturbed by Administration's suspension of WHO funding Halting funding to the World Health Organization undermines the imperative of our global coordinated… Global Coronavirus Resource Center The coronavirus pandemic puts an extraordinary and unprecedented burden on health systems… Global Coronavirus update: Disinfection tunnels factsheet Health Care Without Harm recommends against the use of disinfection tunnels and disinfectant… Global Collective work to address a pandemic Our teams are working to support health care professionals by providing strategies, solutions, and… Global Virtual session: Building community health and resilience beyond COVID-19 May 27, 2 p.m. EST: Featuring a diverse range of thought leaders, this virtual session will address… Global Webinar | June 4: Success stories from the Sustainable Health in Procurement Project (SHiPP) Join our upcoming webinar on the success stories from the Sustainable Health in Procurement Project… Global Webinar | May 28: Practical public procurement in Africa Join this online session to learn about sustainable health in procurement projects in Africa, and… Global A win-win for disposing medical waste with biodigestion Getting rid of infectious organic waste in hospitals through low-tech, sustainable biogesters not… Global COVID-19| In support of a #HealthyRecovery Health Care Without Harm mobilizes its global network to call on G20 leaders for a Healthy Recovery. Global June 6 | India webinar: Waste management in the era of COVID-19 Speakers will address the challenges the management of COVID-19 waste brings, and will present… Global New opening: Sustainable procurement carbon reduction tools consultant We are looking for a consultant to produce a tool or set of tools for hospitals and health system… Global Skip to filters Primera página Primero Página anterior Prev … Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Página actual 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 … Siguiente página Siguiente Última página Último