Virtual session: Building community health and resilience beyond COVID-19


Resilience virtual session  |  May 27, 2 p.m. EST

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown the vast inequities and vulnerabilities across health care, supply chains, and our communities. Now more than ever, we are seeing the importance of community resilience as a framework to address issues beyond the pandemic, including the accelerating climate crisis.

Featuring a diverse range of thought leaders, this virtual session will address a number of challenging questions. How can the health care sector prepare for widespread threats to community health? How can local economies withstand disruptions in the global supply chain? Is the built environment supportive of good health or does it contribute to disease and increased vulnerabilities? Is our community organization infrastructure robust enough to provide a strong safety net for residents? How can we best place equity at the center of community resilience, economic development, and health?

Join us as we discuss the different dimensions of community resilience as well as health care’s essential role in creating solutions.

Denise Fairchild, Emerald Cities Collaborative
Helga Garcia-Garza, Agri-Cultura Network
Jon E. Utech, Cleveland Clinic
Gary Cohen (moderator), Health Care Without Harm and Practice Greenhealth founder