Filtro de búsqueda Búsqueda Tipo de contenido - Cualquiera -EventoNoticiaPágina básicaRecurso Área de prioridad - Cualquiera -AdaptaciónAguaAlimentosCambio climáticoCampañasCapacitaciónComprasComunicaciónContaminación del aireEdificiosEnergíaLiderazgoMitigaciónPlásticosPrensaProductos farmacéuticosRedesResiduosResilienciaSostenibilidadSustancias químicas Región - Cualquiera -América LatinaEEUU & CanadáEuropaGlobalSudeste asiático Mostrando 809 resultados Skip to filters Climate Champion Spotlight: University Health Network - Canada The multi-award winning environmental sustainability program of UHN has led to energy savings… Global Sonia Roschnik and Antonella Risso to join Global Climate Team Health Care Without Harm announced today that it has hired two new positions for its global climate… Global Job opening | Technical Coordinator of Projects in Latin America Health Care Without Harm is looking for a seasoned technical professional, with strong relationship… Global Health care sector in India rises to the dual challenge of air pollution and climate change From public awareness campaigns to inter-ministerial dialogues: the work with partners in India show… Global Health care sector in India rises to the dual challenge of air pollution and climate change From public awareness campaigns to inter-ministerial dialogues: the work with partners in India show… Global Educative online comic book on COVID-19 is captivating audiences Researchers from Punjab University and the Post-Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research… Global The deadly link between COVID-19 and air pollution People living in high-pollution cities are more likely to have compromised respiratory, cardiac and… Global Coronavirus and the climate crisis: Common causes and shared solutions We are living in a moment when two major global threats, a worldwide pandemic and the climate crisis… Global Coronavirus update: Health care waste management Health Care Without Harm's experts prepared a comprehensive document with the latest information and… Global Mobilizing hospitals to monitor air pollution and communicate the health impacts: The Chennai pilot In 2017 one of Health Care Without Harm’s partner organizations in India initiated an innovative… Global Health Care Without Harm’s India partners take innovative approach to COVID-19 and gain global attention Colleagues at the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh (PGI) and… Global Dr. Arvind Kumar from the Lung Care Foundation discusses COVID-19 and air pollution Our partner in India - the Lung Care Foundation through our joint Doctors for Clean Air initiative -… Global Skip to filters Primera página Primero Página anterior Prev … Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Página actual 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 … Siguiente página Siguiente Última página Último