Managing health care waste in Nepal - English version

Main Resource

Published: 02/02/2024

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Language: English

In Nepal, hospitals and health care centers generate between 1 and 1.7 kg of health care waste per bed each day. While 55 to 75% of the waste produced by health care is no more hazardous than simple household waste, the remainder is hazardous. If it is not properly segregated at source, all of it must be managed and treated as hazardous waste.

Health Care Without Harm partnered HECAF360 to work with four hospitals in Kathmandu, Nepal, on a health care waste management project jointly initiated by the Ministry of Health and Population and the German Development Corporation, and implemented by Support to Health Sector Strategy, GIZ-Nepal.

The goal is to strengthen the capacity of these hospitals to comply with the National health care waste management standard and operating procedures 2020. In particular, it will:

  1. Strengthen health care waste management at the project hospitals.
  2. Build capacity for monitoring and reporting of healthcare waste management.
  3. Share learning and innovations arising from the project.
To access the Nepali version, visit this page.