WHO report | Global analysis of health care waste in the context of COVID-19

On February 1, Health Care Without Harm participated in the launch of “Global analysis of health care waste in the context of COVID-19: status, impacts and recommendations”, a new publication by the World Health Organization (WHO). The report quantifies the additional COVID-19 healthcare waste generated and suggests best practices to reduce its impact on human and environmental health.

“In the face of COVID-19, sustainable health care waste management is more important than ever to protect communities, health workers, and the planet and prevent pollution", says Ruth Stringer, Health Care Without Harm´s Science and Policy Coordinator, who participated in the report.

Tens of thousands of tonnes of extra medical waste from the response to the COVID-19 pandemic has put tremendous strain on health care waste management systems around the world, threatening human and environmental health and exposing a dire need to improve waste management practices, according to the new WHO report.

During the launch, video testimonials from members of the GGHH network about COVID-19 waste management were presented. 


The publication lays out a set of recommendations for integrating better, safer, and more environmentally sustainable waste practices into the current COVID-19 response and future pandemic preparedness efforts and highlights stories from countries and organizations that have put into practice in the spirit of “building back better”.

The report was led by WHO Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Health Unit in collaboration with the following WHO teams: Infection Prevention and Control, Emergencies, Medical Devices, and Immunizations. Technical input was provided by WHO partners, Health Care Without Harm, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Global Fund, and the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA).

Find the report and complementary materials here. The webinar recording is available here.


Additional Health Care Without Harm's resources:

A) Health Care Without Harm’s global waste program

B) Protection without pollution: COVID-19 waste-reduction strategies

  1. Guidance for sustainable glove purchasing: As health care facilities rethink their purchasing and supply chains in the wake of COVID-19, this guidance can serve as a roadmap for advancing sustainable options [English] [Spanish] [Portuguese]
  2. Guidance for immunization waste management: The huge need for masks, gloves, and other personal protective equipment, millions of COVID-19 tests, and lifesaving hospital treatment for victims of the disease has, in many cases, led to an increase in health care waste. This guidance provides recommendations on how to better manage and safely dispose of waste associated with immunization. [English] [Spanish] [Portuguese]
  3. Guidance for Personal Protective Equipment for immunizations practices: This document is for health professionals who are using PPE as they administer vaccinations. It will help vaccine administers ensure infection prevention while reducing unnecessary product use and waste. [English] [Spanish] [Portuguese]