Webinar | Unpacking the health story at COP26 - Lessons for the future

On December 9, the webinar Unpacking the health story at COP26 - Lessons for the Future took place. Co-organized by Health Without Harm, this event attempted to unpack all the health discussions that occurred at COP26 and discuss ideas to build on this historic success to ensure that the policymakers include health in climate conversations in the future. 


The COP26 was historic in one aspect: the focus on health. The discussions around the health impacts of the climate crisis and a set of significant commitments for decarbonization and resilience from governments and non-state actors in the health sector. While the health impacts of the climate crisis are well recognized, never in a climate summit has public health been recognized as it was at Glasgow.

Keeping this in mind, leading experts worldwide participated in a webinar, to unpack all the health discussions that occurred at COP26 and discuss ideas to build on this historic success to ensure that the policymakers include health in climate conversations in the future.


  • Sonia Roschnik, International climate policy director, Health Care Without Harm.
  • Jeni Miller, Executive director, Global Climate and Health Alliance.
  • Mohamed Eissa, Liaison officer for Public health issues, International Federation of Medical Students Association.
  • Sean Maguire, Director of strategic partnerships and communications, Clean Air Fund.
  • Alison Doig, Health and Climate Network.
  • Erika Arteaga-Cruz, Co-coordinator for the Ecosystem and Health Circle, People’s Health Movement.
  • Rhiannon Osborne, UK Coordinator, People's Health Movement.


  •  Shweta Narayan, International climate and health campaigner, Health Care Without Harm.
To see the complete recording of the event, click here
More information and resources for sustainable, resilient healthy climate, here