Webinar Recording | Health care’s climate footprint

The recording of our 2019 webinar, Health care’s climate footprint: Report findings and opportunities for action, as well as the presentations of our presenters are now available for GGHH members to access on GGHH Connect.

Organized by Health Care Without Harm and its GGHH program, this webinar presented the findings and recommendations from the Health Care Without Harm report on Health care’s climate footprint and showcased the innovative solutions that members of the GGHH network are implementing around the world to take climate action and reduce the climate footprint of the health care sector.



  • Josh Karliner- International Director of Program and Strategy – Health Care Without Harm.
  • Laura Angeletti du Toit- Chief Director of Infrastructure Management – Western Cape Government.
  • Manjula Sickler- Sustainability Manager – Auckland District Health Board, New Zealand.


Not yet a GGHH member? Join our Global Green and Healthy Hospitals network for access to this webinar and our entire webinar library as well as data collection tools and guidance documents to support your organization’s transition to sustainable health care.