The Race to Zero for the health care sector is on – Join us!

On May 26 Health Care Without Harm officially launched Race to Zero for the health sector and announced the nearly 40 health care institutions in six continents, who are its founding members.

These institutions collectively represent more than 3,000 healthcare facilities in 18 countries and have publicly committed to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. They join close to 4,000 other Race to Zero members already in the campaign totaling, including regions, cities, companies, universities, and investors covering over 15% of the global economy. Race to Zero, a UN-backed global campaign, is the largest ever alliance outside of national governments committed to reducing climate pollution.

“We’re thrilled that these health institutions have joined the Race to Zero. As healers on the front lines of the climate emergency, their leadership is critical to accelerating the transition to a healthier, cleaner, and more resilient zero-carbon economy”, said Gonzalo Muñoz, UN High Level Climate Champion, COP25, during the launch.

Join Race to Zero 

The health institutions have joined the Race to Zero through Health Care Without Harm’s Health Care Climate Challenge. The initiative aims at mobilizing health care institutions around the world to play a leadership role in addressing climate change through three pillars of mitigation, resilience, and leadership.

“The health heroes that are leading us on the road to recovery from the pandemic crisis are the very same who can help lead us out of the climate crisis. They are demonstrating this leadership by forging climate solutions for healthy hospitals and people, and a healthy, more equitable planet,” said Sonia Roschnik, International Climate Policy Director, Health Care Without Harm, during the event.

Watch the recording of our virtual Race to Zero launch event

Health Institutions in the Race to Zero:


  • Hospital Universitario Austral


  • Ambulance Victoria
  • Hunter New England Local Health District


  • Sociedade Beneficente Israelita Brasileira Hospital Albert Einstein
  • Sociedade Beneficente de Senhoras Hospital Sírio Libanês
  • Santa Casa BH Medical Specialties Center
  • Santa Casa de Misericórdia da Bahia – Hospital Santa Izabel
  • SPDM – Associação Paulista para o Desenvolvimento da Medicina
  • Rede D’Or São Luiz S.A.


  • Servicio de Salud de Valdivia


  • Hospital San Rafael de Pasto

Costa Rica

  • Hospital Clínica Biblica


  • Capital Region of Denmark


  • Centre Hospitalier de Niort


  • Evangelische Elisabeth Klinik
  • Evangelisches Krankenhaus Hubertus
  • Fachklinik Gaißach
  • Krankenhaus Havelhöhe


  • General Hospital of Syros


  • PSG Institute of Medical Sciences & Research
  • Amrita Hospital, Faridabad
  • Aravind Eye Care System
  • Bhagat Chandra Hospital


  • Centro Estatal de Vigilancia Epidemiológica y Control de Enfermedades
  • Hospital Municipal Hermenegildo Galeana Jiquipilco
  • Hospital Municipal Villa del Carbón

South Africa

  • Netcare
  • Western Cape Government Health


  • Galician Health Service
  • Hospital General La Mancha Centro


  • Region Västra Götaland


  • Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital

United Kingdom

  • Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust
  • Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
  • Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
  • NHS Highlands

United States

  • Providence
  • University of California Davis Health
  • University of Vermont Medical Center