New resource: Guide for journalistic coverage of climate change from a health perspective

Health Care Without Harm Latin America developed a guide for journalists, which shares a series of recommendations to include the health angle in news and articles on climate change.

This document, in Spanish, brings together the diverse experience of journalists from Latin America with different fields of expertise (science, health, data, and energy journalism), who reflect on their own practices and share knowledge and lessons learnt with their colleagues. The different sections of the guide contain useful ideas, tips and tools for incorporating the health approach into climate change coverage from the first moment the issue is presented or the story is developed.

This guide is a useful tool for journalists and editors, and it will help enrich, expand and strengthen climate change coverage with a health approach and with a broader perspective. That is, not only cover the impacts but also addressing the solutions linked to climate action from a perspective that includes the associated benefits to the health and well-being of communities.

The guide was launched during a webinar with authors on December 2. You can find more information, in Spanish, in this page

Download the guide in Spanish here.

  1. Health framing of climate change in media coverage (by Carolina Gil Posse)
  2. Science journalism (by Juan Mayorga, Aleida Rueda and Yanine Quiroz)
  3. Data journalism (by Damián Profeta)
  4. Health journalism (by Roxana Tabakman)
  5. Hidden costs of energy: impacts and health co-benefits (by Pilar Assefh)