Nepal's Earthquake | Support the Work of the Ambulance Service, Donate Now!

Please help Nepal and its people and donate by clicking here or on the blue Nepal Earthquake Appeal button below!

You will all heave heard of the terrible 7.9-magnitude earthquake that has rocked the south-central Asia on Saturday morning.  

The Himalayan country of Nepal is the worst affected, with at least two thousand dead and the death toll certain to climb as many of the worst affected areas are cut off. 

Many agencies are appealing for aid, but you may not know that amongst them is one of our own.

Mahesh Nakarmi, director of the Healthcare Waste Management Program of Health Care Foundation Nepal, has been working with HCWH since 2008.

HECAF is HCWH's strategic partner in Npeal and a founding member of our Global Green and Healthy Hospitals Network.  Together, HECAF and HCWH have transformed the healthcare waste management at Bir, Kathmandu's largest hospital, now treating hundreds of the injured.

On top of this, Mahesh also co-founded the National Society for Earthquake Technology and the NEPAL AMBULANCE SERVICE.

This ambulance service is the only one in the country with properly equipped vehicles and trained paramedics, working in collaboration with Stanford University.  At this moment, they are hard at work, helping to save those injured in this tragedy.  A field hospital and fresh water supply has been set up and experts from Stanford are on the way to join their efforts.

Any donations to this unique service will make a huge difference.  Please see their appeal page at

Please help Nepal and its people and donate by clicking on the blue Nepal Earthquake Appeal button below!

You can also show your support by liking their Facebook page ‘Friends of Nepal Ambulance Service’ or tweeting us at @FriendsofNAS and #FoNASEarthquakeAppeal