Nepal | Bayalpata Hospital Commits to Promote Public Health

Bayalpata Hospital became a member of the Health Care Without Harm (HCWH) coalition two months ago.

Nyaya Health has made a commitment to working towards a “green and healthy hospital.” Through this partnership they have made a promise to promote public health by continuously reducing their environmental impact and ultimately eliminating our contribution to the burden of disease.

They recognize the connection between human health and the environment and hope to be able to operate our existing hospital in the most green way possible. 

They have already started their commitment to being green by:

  1. Installing solar panels on our hospital grounds for most of our energy consumption.
  2. Investing in solar water heaters.

Other commitments towards a green hospital include:

  1. Making a commitment to purchase mercury free supplies for the hospital.
  2. Reducing the amount that we currently incinerate by separating and recycling our trash as much as possible.
  3. Building our waste management system by having one staff member who will be dedicated to working with HCWH and Health Care Foundation Nepal (HECAF) in optimizing our waste management system.

Since their commitment to improving our carbon footprint two months ago, we have contacted Bir Hospital’s waste management team in Kathmandu. Bir Hospital is one of the oldest hospital’s in KTM. Since the arrival of HCWH and the HECAF at Bir Hospital, it has been transformed into a cleaner hospital. Currently, they recycle 90% of their waste and have become a model for what a green hospital can look like in a large city. 

Bir Hospital’s team arrived at Bayalpata Hospital on July 12th for their 7 day assessment of our hospital. They have completed their assessment and have now gone back to Kathmandu to begin forming a plan based on this information to help us become more environmentally friendly. They will come back to Achham after completing this plan to train our staff. One step at a time we will be closer to healthier patients and a healthier environment.

Their current “incinerator” is being used to its full capacity. They hope to reduce the amount we incinerate with the help of Health Care Without Harm and the team at Bir Hospital.


Their current “incinerator” is being used to its full capacity. They hope to reduce the amount we incinerate with the help of Health Care Without Harm and the team at Bir Hospital.

Bir Hospital’s wonderful team members Sita and Nimesh work with staff member Min to assess the amount of trash that we generate on a daily basis. For 7 days they worked 10-12 hours a day to help assess their current system.