Join us for the launch of the Global Road Map for Health Care Decarbonization

On April 14, join Health Care Without Harm in the 2021 Skoll World Forum for the launch of its Global Road Map for Health Care Decarbonization: A navigational tool for achieving zero emissions with climate resilience and health equity. This tool is the first endeavor to chart a worldwide course toward zero emissions health care.

Skoll World Forum

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April 14, 2021. 8:00 - 9:30 am Pacific Time

Check the time in your region here

The Global Road Map sets a course for zero emissions health care, aligning it with the Paris Agreement's ambition to keep warming below 1.5 degrees. The road map models how the sector can decarbonize by taking seven high impact actions to reduce the sector’s global emissions, and provides a set of recommendations for health sector leaders to respond rapidly to help prevent and prepare for the inextricably linked climate and health crises while also contributing to broad-based health equity.



8:00 – 8:10: Introduction

  • Don Gips, CEO, Skoll Foundation.
  • Gary Cohen. President and Co-founder, Health Care Without Harm.
  • Opening poem: Juan Felipe Herrera. United States National Poet Laureate Emeritus.

8:10 – 8:30: Session 1. Presentation of the Global Road Map: a navigational tool for health care decarbonization

  • Josh Karliner. International Director Program and Strategy, Health Care Without Harm.
  • Sonia Roschnik. International Climate Policy Director, Health Care Without Harm.

During the launch, lead authors, Josh Karliner and Sonia Roschnik will demonstrate how seven high impact actions can align global health care emissions with the Paris Agreement’s ambition to keep warming below 1.5 degrees. 

8:30 – 9:00: Session 2. Charting a Course for Health Care Systems Change

  • Dr. K. Srinath Reddy. President, Public Health Foundation of India.
  • Charlotte Watts. Chief Scientific Adviser, Global Health Directorate, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, UK.
  • Moderator: Dr. Mandeep Dhaliwal. Director HIV, Health and Development, UNDP.

9:00 - 9:05: Audience poll

9:05 - 9:25: Session 3. Navigating for a healthy climate: a dialogue

  • Dr. David Nabarro. WHO Special Envoy on COVID-19.
  • Dr. Maria Neira. Director, Public Health, Environment and Social Determinants of Health Department, World Health Organization (WHO).
  • Moderator: Gary Cohen.

9:25 – 9:30: Closing

  • Closing remarks: Gary Cohen.
  • Closing song: Mia Kami. Musician.


How to register for the 2021 Skoll World Forum?

Please note that this is a two-step registration process:

  1. Sign up here for the 2021 Skoll World Forum. Be on the lookout for an email from the Skoll World Forum team to complete your registration. Click on the “Register” option in the email, that will take you to a second registration page. 
  2. Once completed, you will receive a second confirmation email with more information about forum dates and format. 

Add a reminder in your calendar to join our session: April 14, 8:00 - 9:30 AM PST. Check the time in your region here.