Join Live | HCWH to Cosponsor Side Event to the World Health Assembly

Health Care Without Harm will cosponsor and participate in the meeting between the World Health Organization (WHO) Secretariat and Civil Society on the WHO Chemicals Road Map that people can join live on May 23, 2018. The meeting is a side event to the 71st World Health Assembly that takes place from 21-26 May 2018 in Geneva, Switzerland.

Susan Wilburn, Health Care Without Harm’s International Sustainability Director and the civil society health sector representative for Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM), will be one of the co-chairs and presenters at the meeting that aims to discuss the implementation of the WHO Chemicals road map by civil society and engagement in the beyond 2020 intersessional process.

During the event, the following civil society organization will present their work implementing the WHO Chemicals Road map: Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL), World Medical Association and Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) Alliance.


In May 2017, the 70th World Health Assembly approved the World Health Organization’s Road map to enhance health sector engagement in the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management towards the 2020 goal and beyond. The road map identifies concrete actions where the health sector has either a lead or important supporting role to play in the sound management of chemicals, recognizing the need for multi-sectoral cooperation. The road map has been recognized as useful for identifying actions for collaboration with other sectors and stakeholders, and for advocating for action from decision-makers.

WHO has now also developed a workbook, which offers a structured way to work through the road map, choose priorities and plan activities. The use of the workbook could facilitate discussions within and among organizations about health sector priorities and potential activities to address these priorities. Sharing of priorities and planned actions could then lead to the identification of shared priorities, and greater collaboration and coordination within the health sector as well as with other sectors.

In this context, WHO’s chemical safety program and the SAICM civil society health sector representative propose to jointly convene a meeting of civil society on the margins of the 71st World Health Assembly.

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