Introducing Mariano De Donatis, HCWH's New International Managing Director


HCWH is pleased to introduce Mariano De Donatis as our new International Managing Director. With over twelve years of experience working with civil society networks and coalitions to influence change at the national and global level, Mariano brings a tremendous amount of experience to help build and strengthen collaboration, management and governance for HCWH.

Prior to joining HCWH, Mariano worked as Oxfam´s Global Programme Manager, leading its advocacy work in BRICSAMIT countries - Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia, China, South Africa, Mexico and Turkey. He led multi-issues campaigns, managed a flagship program to empower civil society networks and supported the Oxfam confederation's development in the Global South.

Immediately before, Mariano worked at the Global Call to Action Against Poverty coalition (GCAP) and at CIVICUS Alliance in various positions. As CIVICUS’s Global Convening & Outreach Manager, Mariano led the development and implementation of an organizational and network development plan. He led a team that strengthened the secretariat capacity while also strengthening CIVICUS, which has more than 900 members in 140 countries, as global network.

Mariano was born in Argentina and he has lived in five countries across four continents. He has a masters degree in Social Policy and Development from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and a major in Economics from the University of Buenos Aires. As an activist Mariano has been involved in several regional and global initiatives to support active citizenship and sustainable development, participating in informal networks that use an innovative approach to civic engagement and new social movements.

Mariano currently lives in Mexico City but will soon be based out of HCWH’s Latin America Regional office in Buenos Aires.