Image Gallery | Healthy Energy Initiative Debuts at the 14th World Congress on Public Health

At the close of their international conference in Kolkata, as part of a broad “Call to Action for Public Health,” the world’s public health associations advocated “a rapid phase-out of coal” to limit further global warming and prevent illnesses and deaths associated with air pollution.

The Healthy Energy Initiative welcomed the Call to Action released at the World Congress on Public Health, hosted by the Indian Public Health Association and attended by more than 1,600 delegates. The Call to Action points to the “contribution of fossil fuels and coal in particular to climate change as well as to detrimental impacts on the health and wellbeing of local communities.”

For more information, click here.

  • Photos 1 to 15: Climate Change, Air Quality and Health: Impact of Energy Choices", satellite session to the 14th World Congress on Public Health in Kolkata, India
  • Photos 1 and 2: EAS Sarma, Former Power Secretary, Government of India
  • Photos 7: Dr. Peter Orris, Professor and Chief of Occupational and Environmental Medicine,  University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
  • Photos 8 and 9: Nityanand Jayaraman, Community Environmental Monitoring 3
  • Photos 10 and 11: Dr. Renzo Guinto, Healthy Energy Initiative Campaigner, Health Care Without Harm - Asia
  • Photos 12 and 13 (left to right): Dr. Adithya Pradyumna, Environmental Health Researcher and Trainer, SOCHARA; Dr. Renzo Guinto, Healthy Energy Initiative Campaigner, Health Care Without Harm - Asia; Dr. Hisamuddin Papa, Chairman & Founder Managing Director, HUMA Hospital; Shweta Narayan, Healthy Energy Initiative Campaigner, Community Environmental Monitoring
  • Photo 14: Divya Narayanan, Healthy Energy Initiative India Coordinator
  • Photo 15: Jennifer Wang, Healthy Energy Initiative Global Coordinator
  • Photo 16 to 21: Photo Exhibition, "Current Account Deficit: Health Effects of Electricity Production", Photographers: Amirtharaj Stephen, Joe Athialy, Heather Plumridge-Bedi 
  • Photos 22 to 24: "Health Impacts of Energy Choices: The Scientific and Economic Basis", February 14th, session in the 14th World Congress on Public Health in Kolkata, India
  • Photo 22: Dr. Peter Orris, Professor and Chief of Occupational and Environmental Medicine,  University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
  • Photo 23: Dr. Stephen Knight, Public Health Medicine Physician and Senior Lecturer, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Public Health Association of South Africa
  • Photo 24: Aditya Ramji, Consultant, Council on Energy, Environment and Water, India
  • Photo 25 to 32: "Public Health Advocacy on Energy" session, February 14th, in the 14th World Congress on Public Health in Kolkata, India
  • Photo 25 and 26: Josh Karliner, Director of Global Projects and  International Team Coordinator, Health Care Without Harm
  • Photo 27 and 28:  Dr. Renzo Guinto, Healthy Energy Initiative Campaigner, Health Care Without Harm - Asia
  • Photo 29: Rico Euripidou, Environmental Health Campaign Manager, groundWork, South Africa
  • Photo 30: Josh Karliner, Renzo Guinto, Vina HuLamm (Global Health Manager, American Public Health Association, USA), Fiona Armstrong, Shweta Narayan, K. Srinath Reddy, Rico Euripidou
  • Photo 31: Shweta Narayan, Healthy Energy India Campaigner, The Other Media, India
  • Photo 32: Dr. K. Srinath Reddy, President, Public Health Foundation of India