On HCWH's 20th Anniversary, New Film Showcases Health Care’s Mission to Protect People and the Planet

As part of our 20th anniversary celebration, Health Care Without Harm is excited to release Do No Harm, a short film telling the inspiring story of this global movement.

Once upon a time, a small group of doctors, nurses, and health care leaders realized that, in violation of the Hippocratic Oath to “first, do no harm”, some hospital practices were harming patients and the planet. This small effort grew into a global movement advocating for change on the critical environmental health issues of our time. As we live and work within the reality of climate change in the 21st century, our voice is growing even louder.

Experience a beautiful short film about health care’s journey to embrace a broader mission that protects the health of patients and the environment.

In the film, Aparna Bole, a pediatrician and health care leader, shares the journey of how this small group of caregivers sparked a new way of thinking about health care’s role in protecting the health of patients and the environment. Created by award-winning documentary filmmaker Nicole Newnham and supported by the Sundance Institute, Do No Harm is about everyone involved in our collective work.

We encourage you to share this film with your colleagues and your community. Use it in your upcoming Grand Rounds and presentations. Post it on your website. Play it for your patients. Pass it along to your family and friends. Share your story, our story.

In our fight against climate change, health care stands at a turning point in history and we can move to a tipping point. It's within our power and our mission.

Visit www.donoharmstory.org

People from all over the world congratulated HCWH on its 20th anniversary. Watch the videos.