HCWH Founder, Gary Cohen, at TEDxMadrid Talks About Environmental Health

Gary Cohen, president and founder of Health Care Without Harm, was invited to give a talk on environmental health for in the seventh edition of TEDxMadrid on September 12th in Madrid, Spain.

Gary Cohen explains how hospitals around the world are transforming from once being dangerous places that were contributing to the toxicity of our environment, to being places where miracles can happen.

This year, the event will celebrate the adventurous spirit of the amateur in different areas of knowledge: science and technology; in creative, productive, or entrepreneurial activity; and in solving the world's problems. Because it is in the garages of mind where new formulas that save lives or change design.

Watch Gary's talk



This is a summary of the talk by Verity Harrison (@larebe40 | www.thinkdoodly.com):
