HCWH at COP 21

Articles by Health Care Without Harm

  • The Road Through Paris, The Way to Healthy Energy, 13 January 2016. Read article
  • Paris Treaty Provides Opportunity for the European Healthcare Sector to act on Climate Change, 15 December 2015. Read article
  • 2015: Health Care in the Age of Climate Change, 14 December 2015. Read article
  • Paris and Beyond: Dignity Health Acts on Climate as Part of Healing Mission, 9 December 2015. Read article
  • Road to Paris: Time for COP21, 27 November 2015. Read article
  • Health Care Climate Council Calls for Climate Action to Protect Public Health, 18 November 2015. Read article
  • Australia | Our Climate is Our Health: Seminar in Preparation for COP21, 17 November 2015. Read Article
  • Road to Paris: Towards a Clean Energy Future, 12 November 2015. Read article
  • Road to Paris: One Month Away, 29 October 2015. Read article
  • Global Campaign to Engage Health Professionals in the Lead to COP21, 22 October 2015. Read article
  • Road to Paris: Climate Pledges are In, 13 October 2015. Read article
  • Europe's Weak Position for Paris, 22 September 2015. Read article
  • Road to Paris: What happened in Bonn?, 17 September 2015. Read article
  • Road to Paris: Time for Climate Action, 1 September 2015. Read article

Articles by Global Green and Healthy Hospitals' Members

Articles by Organizers of the Climate Change and Health Care Events

Media Coverage

Storify of Tweets

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