Global Campaign to Engage Health Professionals in the Lead to COP21

Our Climate, Our Health is a global campaign by the Global Climate and Health Alliance (GCHA) from which Health Care Without Harm is part of, that hopes to engage health professionals in the lead-up to the COP21.

It also aims to act as an umbrella and an amplifier for some of the many initiatives being organized at local, national and international levels on the intersection of climate and health in advance of COP21.

The campaign hopes to engage health professionals in the lead-up to the international UN climate negotiations COP21 this December in Paris.

At the end of 2015, the eyes of the world will be on Paris for COP21. Over 25,000 official delegates from across the world, including negotiators, health and finance ministers, and civil society, will gather to agree on the global response to climate change. The health profession is mobilizing to let them know that our health matters, and that any response must ensure protect and promote human security and wellbeing for us and future generations.

There are several ways to get involved, including to pledge support to the 2020 Health Care Climate Challenge. To sign the 2020 Challenge pledge, click here.

For more information, visit:


