Fostering health advocacy: empowering professionals for climate action

In a new article titled "From Healing Bodies to Healing Earth: Harnessing the Legacy of Health Activism in the Fight Against Climate Change", published on PLOS's blog Speaking of Medicine and Health, Shweta Narayan makes an argument that in the face of the accelerating climate crisis, health professionals are uniquely positioned to play a pivotal role in driving climate action. She reflects on the rich legacy of health activism in influencing social change and makes a case for the health community to leverage their position as both trusted communicators and important actors when it comes to protecting public health. 

Making a case that health professionals need to be  equipped with the necessary knowledge and tools to tackle the greatest threat to global health in the 21st century, climate change, she introduces the new guide produced by Health Care Without Harm: "Reclaiming Health Activism in the Age of Climate Crisis." The guide equips health professionals with essential tools for effective campaigning, advocacy, and communication. It empowers them to engage with policymakers, communities, and colleagues, presenting a compelling case for urgent climate action and tangible policy measures. It serves as a roadmap, providing the knowledge, inspiration, and practical tools needed for health professionals to step into their roles as potent advocates for climate action.

Download the guide.