Climate-friendly hospital cooling: Health Care Without Harm awarded for its commitment to sharing lessons learned in 3 countries

Health Care Without Harm was awarded with the Kigali Cooling Efficiency Program (K-CEP) Commitment to Reporting award for consistently providing timely, comprehensive reporting and going above and beyond in sharing lessons learned from their project with other K-CEP partners, and for its dedication to promote access to efficient, climate-friendly cooling.

In January 2019 Health Care Without Harm launched the Climate-Smart Health Care - Cooling Energy Monitoring, Audits and Demonstration Project funded by ClimateWorks Foundation. It is implemented by Health Care Without Harm Global, Health Care Without Harm South East Asia (Philippines) and Rock Environment and Energy Institute (China), and focuses on energy audits and the adoption of energy efficient cooling systems and controls in hospitals in Argentina, the Philippines, and China.


This project aims to develop and implement a program focused on energy audits and the adoption of energy monitoring systems in these three project countries. These actions will enable hospitals to understand their energy consumption from cooling and the associated costs, which will help them make the necessary changes to reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

The first stage of the project was focused on developing energy audits in nine hospitals in the three project countries in order to understand their energy consumption from cooling and the associated costs, identify actions to improve cooling efficiency, and identify refrigerant gases with lower GHG emissions. By improving cooling efficiency, hospitals can reduce their GHG emissions, and save money by reducing their energy consumption.

Following the cooling energy audits, some of the hospitals participating in the project will receive financial support through grants or other financing options to implement demonstration projects that implement key findings of the cooling audits and demonstrate the value of increasing the efficiency of hospital cooling systems.

The Kigali Cooling Efficiency Program (K-CEP) is a philanthropic program to support the Kigali Amendment of the Montreal Protocol.