Circular economy and zero waste in health care

The Seventh Assembly of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) took place in Vancoucer, Canada, from August 22 to 26. During five days, environmental leaders from 185 countries convened for discuss strategies and solutions to pave the way for a harmonious planet and healthier inhabitants.

Embedded within GEF's agenda was the "Transitioning to a circular economy and zero waste society through integrated chemical and waste management" side event. This event presented a vision for a Zero Waste and Circular Economy, focusing on future interventions in developing countries. It brought together participants from central and local governments, civil society organizations, youth advocates, and execution partners of GEF projects, all to share experiences and insights on chemical and waste management. The central theme was a shift toward a circular economy and a zero-waste vision.

Among the participants was Susan Wilburn, Senior Sustainability Consultant at Health Care Without Harm, who engaged in discussions regarding the introduction of Circular Economy principles and waste reduction strategies within the health care sector.

"Circular approaches in health care should improve social equity and participation in governance, focus on primary prevention including worker protection, support transparency of chemicals in products, implement a precautionary approach and extended producer responsibility, and eliminate incineration," she said. 

To access valuable resources and tools on Waste in the health care sector, visit our Waste resource page here.