China | Phase-out of Mercury Medical Devices

HCWH Partner Global Village of Beijing and Changchun Children's Hospital jointly launched a campaign to phase out mercury-containing medical devices in the hospital.

Global Village of Beijing (a non-government, non-profit organization dedicated to environmental education and public participation based in China) and Changchun Children's Hospital jointly launched a campaign to phase out mercury-containing medical devices in the hospital. 

This is the first Children's hospital in China to conduct a mercury-free campaign and marks the exciting beginning of the Chinese healthcare sector's self-initiated action for reducing mercury pollution from medical devices. 

Representatives from Institute of Environmental Health and Related Product Safety, China CDC, the Chief of Changchun Bureau of Health, Director of Changchun Children’s Hospital and Executive Director of Global Village of Beijing participated the event. 

The announcement is a positive step forward in contributing to global efforts to substitute mercury-based medical devices while protecting China's health professionals, patients and the environment from the negative impacts of mercury.