Australia | Health Care Voices Heard - Political Parties Adopt Climate Policy Framework With a Focus on Health!

Recently members from the Australian political parties, Greens and Labor, committed to implement a Climate, Health and Well-Being policy. Watch Labor MPs Catherine King and Mark Butler explain why it is so important to take action on this issue.

This is a huge step toward addressing the devastating effects of climate change on health that Australia is already witnessing, such as thunderstorm asthma, worsening heatwaves, and more extreme weather events.

Last month, health professionals launched the Our Climate, Our Health campaign in the Australian Parliament House. They asked Members of Parliament (MP) to support the Framework for a National Strategy on Climate, Health and Well-Being and take action on an issue that is already affecting millions of people in Australia and worldwide. Fortunately, members from the political parties, Greens and Labor, committed to implement a Climate, Health and Well-Being policy.

The Framework was developed following a year-long national consultation to identify stakeholders’ priorities and concerns regarding the health impacts of climate change.

The Framework for a National Strategy on Climate, Health and Well-being for Australia provides a roadmap to support the Commonwealth Government in taking a leadership role in protecting the health and well-being of Australian communities from climate change, and in fulfilling its international obligations under the Paris Agreement. Many organizations, including the Climate and Health Alliance (CAHA, HCWH’s Partner in Australia), have supported the development of the Framework over the last 18 months.

For more information on the Framework, click here.