Australia | Greening the Healthcare Sector Think Tank


The Greening the Healthcare Sector Think Tank, hosted annually by HCWH's Strategic Partner, the Climate and Health AllianceGlobal Green and Healthy Hospitals' Founding Member, the Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association, and Global Green and Healthy Hospitals, was held on Tuesday 14 October, at Mater Hospital in South Brisbane (Australia).

The think tank provided an opportunity for those working in the health sector to hear firsthand case studies of change, talk to experts, hear about opportunities for collaboration, and contribute to a discussion about how to work together to accelerate progress within the health sector towards sustainable healthcare and hospital practices.

This event also counted with a presentation from Nick Thorp, Global Community Manager of the Global Green and Healthy Hospitals network to learn about GGHH Connect, an innovative platform that is enabling health and sustainability professionals to connect with one another around the world.


Source and documents obtained from: Australlian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA)

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