Australia | Global Green and Healthy Hospitals Launch a Great Success

Sydney — Together with the Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA), the Climate and Health Alliance (CAHA), and Health Care Without Harm launched GGHH and its Agenda for greening the healthcare sector in Sydney, Australia.

GGHH was presented by Dr Peter Orris, Professor and Chief, Occupational and Environmental Medicine, University of Illinois, Senior Advisor to Health Care Without Harm (HCWH). “There is great enthusiasm for this network around the world with organizations representing over 3500 health care providers on six continents having joined and seeking to green their operating practices ” said Dr. Peter Orris.

Ms Fiona Armstrong, convener of the Climate and Health Alliance, said [Australian] hospitals had a big “environmental footprint” but many were finding that sustainability measures benefit patients and the environment and offer financial savings, according to the Sidney Morning Herald. Armstrong was speaking at the launch of Global Green and Healthy Hospitals (GGHH) in Australia.

AHHA CEO Prue Power AM said: “Healthcare organizations internationally are recognizing they have a responsibility and an opportunity to provide leadership on this issue and that they can reap significant benefits for health at the same time. It’s time for the Australian health sector to think about how well prepared we are to deal with the impacts of climate change over coming years and decades, as well as to take action to reduce the health sector’s carbon footprint. This is why the AHHA has joined the Global Green and Healthy Hospitals Network, and we encourage all Australian health sector organizations to join.”

By participating in this worldwide initiative that brings together hospitals, health systems and health organizations to reduce their environmental footprint, Australian hospitals are promoting public, environmental and climate health.

This event was one of a rolling series of launches of Global Green and Healthy Hospitals taking place around the world in 2012. Next up: China.


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