Australia | The Climate Election

The Climate and Health Alliance (CAHA), HCWH Strategic Partner in Australia, is leading efforts with organizations around the country to ensure climate change and health is a key issue in their upcoming federal election.

This federal election health professionals and others working in the sector have the opportunity to influence candidates on the issue of climate change, health and well-being.

We invite all our supporters to contact their local candidates and either email or visit them to let them know that climate change is and will affect Australians health and that, conversely, climate action is a win for both people's health and in reducing the economic burden of ill-health associated with climate change.- CAHA

Climate-Health Scorecard



The Climate and Health Alliance has released a Federal Election Scorecard after analysing the policies of the three main political parties on climate change and health.

CAHA assessed parties' policies on eight key climate-health issues: emissions reduction targets recommended by the national Climate Change Authority; 100% renewable energy by 2030; supporting a sustainable and climate-resilient healthcare sector; an economy-wide carbon price; a national moratorium on new coal or gas; a just transition for fossil fuel workers; strong air pollution laws, as well as a national strategy on climate, health and well-being.

Download the Climate-Health Scorecard

Open Letter to Political Parties


Over 50 health and civil society organisations and 20 scientists and health leaders have signed an Open Letter to all candidates calling for effective action on climate change for the health of the community.

Download the Letter