Announcing the 2020 Climate Champions

Health Care Without Harm is honored to announce the 2020 Climate Champions of the Health Care Climate Challenge. This year we are recognizing over 40 health care institutions spread out across 17 countries on 6 continents. From Greece to Costa Rica, Taiwan to Morocco and points in between, these hospitals, health systems and organizations are at the forefront of the transformation to climate-smart health care. Their commitments, investments and innovations are inspiring and guiding the sector around the world. 

2020 marks an important year as it is the 5th anniversary of both the Health Care Climate Challenge and the signing of the Paris Agreement. Over the course of these past years, more than 300 institutions representing the interests of over 22,000 hospitals and health centers from 36 countries have joined the Health Care Climate Challenge and pledged their commitment to address climate change.

The 2020 Climate Champions, and all participants in the Climate Challenge, are a shining example of how the health care sector is stepping up to do its part to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement and foster a healthy future for people and the planet.

With the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 has been an unprecedented and difficult year for the entire world and in particular the health care sector. Hospitals and health care professionals have been called to serve on the front lines to treat and care for the sick and protect communities the world over. They are heroes and champions of 2020. We send them our utmost thanks, respect and appreciation for all that they have done and will continue to do.


Meet the 2020 Climate Champions