Sustainable procurement checklist

The self-assessment tool for the health sector

What health care organizations buy makes a difference. Over 70% of the climate footprint of the health care sector is associated with the production, transport, use, and disposal of goods and services. By purchasing safer, sustainable products, the health care sector can help protect health and the environment.

Sustainable Procurement Checklist is a tool designed to help the health care sector implement successful sustainable procurement programs. With this online tool, organizations can:

  • Assess their progress in developing a sustainable procurement program.
  • Track their progress.
  • Compare against best practices in sustainable procurement.
  • Identify priority areas to focus on.

Sustainable Procurement Checklist allows health care organizations to obtain a snapshot assessment of their current procurement program and start building on best practices to reduce their environmental impact. It is directly connected and designed to be used with the Sustainable Procurement Guide, our comprehensive guide for health care organizations to build a best-in-class sustainable procurement program. 

Health care institutions can assess their progress on  sustainable procurement, and based on the results, implement the Sustainable Procurement Guide’s plan - do - check - act cycle to adopt best practices and achieve progress.

The Sustainable Procurement Checklist

The Sustainable Procurement Checklist is available in our Global Green and Healthy Hospitals network’s data center. Start exploring what Checklist can do for your organization today.