Filtro de búsqueda Búsqueda Tipo de contenido - Cualquiera -EventoNoticiaPágina básicaRecurso Área de prioridad - Cualquiera -AdaptaciónAguaAlimentosCambio climáticoCampañasCapacitaciónComprasComunicaciónContaminación del aireEdificiosEnergíaLiderazgoMitigaciónPlásticosPrensaProductos farmacéuticosRedesResiduosResilienciaSostenibilidadSustancias químicas Región - Cualquiera -América LatinaEEUU & CanadáEuropaGlobalSudeste asiático Mostrando 809 resultados Skip to filters Job Opening | HCWH International Managing Director Position Open HCWH is looking for a dynamic manager with deep international experience, multiple cultural… Global International health group calls for ban on coal, urges action by governments and institutions Calling coal a “lethal product,” the World Federation of Public Health Associations issued a Call to… Global South Africa | KwaZulu-Natal Hospitals on Board groundWork has been working with health care leaders and hospitals for the past six years on the… Global Nepal Declaration | Strength from Disaster Conference In April 2016, exactly one year on from the devastating Gorkha earthquake, a conference was held to… Global Declaration from the Strength from Disaster Conference In April this year, exactly one year on from the devastating Gorkha earthquake, a conference was… Global On HCWH's 20th Anniversary, New Film Showcases Health Care’s Mission to Protect People and the Planet As part of our 20th anniversary celebration, Health Care Without Harm is excited to release Do No… Global Australia | Towards a National Strategy on Climate, Health and Well-being In June of 2016, HCHW’s strategic partner in Australia, the Climate and Health Alliance (CAHA)… Global Knowledge Exchange Between China and US to Foster Environmentally Sustainable Health Care A delegation from the Chinese health sector met with Health Care Without Harm and several major U.S… Global India | Sofia Ashraf Challenges Unilever CEO Paul Polman in Brand New Video Rapper/performer Sofia Ashraf is BACK with another video for the #UnileverPollutes campaign. Now… Global Registration Now Open! Conference on Climate and Health Care As world leaders convene in Marrakech to map out strategies to achieve the climate goals agreed upon… Global United Kingdom | Tackling Air Pollution and Climate Change Together for Health Source: UK Health AllianceFor the first time major medical institutions - including the Royal… Global WHO Releases Country Estimates on Air Pollution Exposure and Health Impact A new World Health Organization (WHO) air quality model confirms that 92% of the world’s population… Global Skip to filters Primera página Primero Página anterior Prev … Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Página actual 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 … Siguiente página Siguiente Última página Último