Climate Learning Initiative - Case studies: Learning objective 2

Baselining and estimating emissions and risks, strategies, and action plans.

AUSTRALIA | Hunter New England

Hunter New England Local Health District (HNELHD) will be carbon and waste neutral by 2030 as part of the ambitious initiative, Sustainable Healthcare: Together Towards Zero. The organization will be…

AUSTRALIA | Mercy Health

Mercy Health has worked to establish the organization’s full carbon emission baseline across health and aged care divisions including Scope 3 (indirect) emissions. This carbon inventory work has…

BRAZIL | Associação Paulista para o Desenvolvimento da Medicina (SPDM)

Starting in 2015 the Associação Paulista para o Desenvolvimento da Medicina (SPDM) conducted extensive greenhouse gas inventories and implemented sustainable strategies throughout its facilities. They…

BRAZIL | Clinical Hospital of Botucatu Medical School (HCFMB)

This case study reports on the challenges and path that a large public hospital in Brazil faced to reduce GHG emissions by 33.40% in five years. Goals included measuring emissions with GHG protocol…

BRAZIL | Hospital do Rocio

To set greenhouse gas reduction targets and commit Hospital do Rocio to the Race to Zero campaign and the Health Care Climate Challenge, a strategy will be employed using the marginal abatement cost…

BRAZIL | Hospital Sírio-Libanês

Hospital Sírio-Libanês decarbonization program (HSLPD) focused on mitigating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as part of their 2019 commitment to become a carbon-neutral organization. The program…

BRAZIL | Sociedade Beneficente Israelita Brasileira Albert Einstein

This case study presents the journey of the Sociedade Beneficente Israelita Albert Einstein, a large and highly complex hospital, in relation to climate change, focusing on its actions to mitigate…

BRAZIL | Rede D´Or São Luiz

Energy consumption in hospitals has a direct connection to lighting, air conditioning, heating, water pumping, elevators, and medical equipment. Through the efficient use of energy and pursuit of…

INDIA | Apollo Hospitals Group

As part of Apollo’s sustainability action plan, the group is tracking monthly energy consumption, total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, water withdrawal, waste generation, and commensurate emissions…

INDIA | Thiruppuvanam Vision Centre of Aravind Eye Care

The implementation of satellite-assisted telemedicine centers provides subsidized primary eye care to peri-urban populations who previously did not have any eye care facilities in their region. This…

UNITED KINGDOM | Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Together with SmartCarbon Ltd, the Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (UK) created a bespoke SmartCarbon calculator platform for the health care sector and a five-step program for a…


Ascension’s commitment to reducing its environmental footprint and achieving sustainability is rooted in their mission, which calls them to advocate for a compassionate and just society in their…