Filtro de búsqueda Búsqueda Tipo de contenido - Cualquiera -EventoNoticiaPágina básicaRecurso Área de prioridad - Cualquiera -AdaptaciónAguaAlimentosCambio climáticoCampañasCapacitaciónComprasComunicaciónContaminación del aireEdificiosEnergíaLiderazgoMitigaciónPlásticosPrensaProductos farmacéuticosRedesResiduosResilienciaSostenibilidadSustancias químicas Región - Cualquiera -América LatinaEEUU & CanadáEuropaGlobalSudeste asiático Mostrando 809 resultados Skip to filters Op Ed-Reuters Trust I Charting a course for zero-emissions health care Josh Karliner, International Director for Program and Strategy, Health Care Without Harm urges… Global Health Professionals call for Phase out of Fossil Fuels in South Asia to Avert the Twin Crisis of Air pollution and Climate change Doctors and medical practitioners representing some of the largest associations and networks of… Global Race to Zero News I Carbon negative by 2030: Meet the healthcare trailblazers The US healthcare system is the greatest polluter of any industrialized healthcare system in the… Global Health professionals welcome the revised WHO air quality guidelines, urge governments to take action Health professionals organizations from South Asia, South-East Asia, South Africa, Latin America… Global The Lancet I A call to action: children's hospitals, child health, and the climate crisis Children's hospitals are unique and inspiring places where, with grit and grace, patients and their… Global The WHO News I Countries commit to climate resilient, low carbon health systems Several Countries, including Cabo Verde, Madagascar, Malawi, and São Tomé and Príncipe, have… Global #HealthyClimate Prescription: An urgent call for climate action ahead of COP26 Over 450 organizations representing over 45 million health workers, together with over 3,400… Global Bupa News I Bupa to become a Net Zero business by 2040 The international healthcare company sets Net Zero ambition for its global healthcare operations and… Global Health and Climate: Latin American countries are working together towards building sustainable and climate resilient health systems and reducing emissions in the sector On Tuesday 19 October 2021, the government of the United Kingdom, in its capacity as incoming… Global ETHealthworld I Kerala's health department among UN-backed Race to Zero campaign Health Care Without Harm, the official Race to Zero healthcare partner, on Monday announced that… Global Mathrubhumi I Kerala's health department among UN-backed Race to Zero campaign Health Care Without Harm, the official Race to Zero healthcare partner, on Monday announced that… Global New York Times I Effort to Reframe Climate Change as a Health Crisis Gains Steam For the first time at a major United Nations climate conference, human health is emerging as a… Global Skip to filters Primera página Primero Página anterior Prev … Page 48 Page 49 Page 50 Page 51 Página actual 52 Page 53 Page 54 Page 55 Page 56 … Siguiente página Siguiente Última página Último