Health professionals are both trusted communicators and important actors when it comes to protecting public health.

It is no surprise that health professionals are some of the most respected voices calling for climate solutions in their workplaces, their communities, and the halls of government. They are effective advocates who can influence policymakers, businesses, and hospital system leadership to deploy climate commitments and solutions aligned with the Paris Agreement.

Health Care Without Harm is committed to helping build that movement–a groundswell of health workers standing up for a broader, society-wide transition to a healthy, sustainable, and equitable world. We are at the forefront of mobilizing, engaging, and empowering the health sector to take climate action and lead the change by example.

We work with doctors, nurses, and public health professionals to advocate for healthy people on a healthy planet. The result is an emerging movement composed of growing networks and coalitions of hospitals, health systems, doctors, nurses, and public health professionals.

Whether it’s doctors and leading medical associations advocating for clean air and climate action in India, nurses mobilizing for a healthy climate in Europe and the United States, or a coalition of health professionals and policymakers seeking action on climate in Southeast Asia, we’re coalescing a powerful network that is part of a growing ecosystem working to protect public health from climate change. Together we can embark on a course to zero-emissions, resilient, and equitable health care.

Join our networks

Doctors for Clean Air and Climate Action - India

An initiative from Lung Care Foundation and Health Care Without Harm that brings together doctors from every state in India to advocate for clean air.

Doctors for Clean Air - Logo

Doctors for Greener Healthcare - Europe

The network invites doctors to collaborate, share practices, and advocate for a healthy future by reducing the environmental impact of health care.

Doctors for Greener Healthcare

Nurses Climate Challenge - Europe

The Challenge aims to mobilize nurses across Europe to educate health professionals on the impacts of climate change on human health.

Nurses Climate Challenge Europe

Nurses Climate Challenge - United States and Canada

An initiative presented in partnership with the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments to educate about the health impacts of climate change.

Nurses Climate Challenge US

Pharmacists for Greener Healthcare - Europe

This network brings together pharmacists to share practices and coordinate activities to tackle pharmaceutical pollution and antimicrobial resistance.

Pharmacists for Greener Healthcare

Physician Network - United States

This network supports emerging and established physicians to leverage their influence & expertise to advance the health care sustainability movement.

Physician Network logo

RISE, South East Asia Alliance for Health and Climate - Southeast Asia

An initiative aimed at building an alliance of health care leaders to advance climate action, health equity, resilience, and a healthy recovery.

RISE network