Acting together for environmental health
Global Green and Healthy Hospitals (GGHH) is an international network of hospitals, health care facilities, health systems, and health organizations dedicated to reducing their environmental footprint and promoting public and environmental health.
The Global Green and Healthy Hospitals network has over 1,900 members in more than 80 countries representing over 70,000 hospitals and health care systems that are using innovation, ingenuity, and investment to transform the health sector and foster a healthy, sustainable future.
The framework and roadmap to reach this goal is provided by the GGHH Agenda and its 10 interconnected sustainability goals for hospitals and health systems to work towards at their facilities.
To support members in their efforts to implement successful sustainability initiatives and projects related to the 10 Agenda goals, GGHH offers access to a diverse array of exclusive and innovative tools and resources. From cutting-edge online platforms that connect your institution with other members, colleagues, and experts from around the globe to educational tools and events that keep you on the pulse of the sustainable health care field to initiatives bringing together the global health sector to address environmental and public health issues.